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ZENER successfully moves on in Chile with the execution of the design and deployment project for WOM of the National Fiber Optic Network (FON) and FTTH construction.
Within the state project FON awarded to WOM with the objective of connecting all of Chile and its inhabitants reducing the digital break, ZENER is developing the execution of the fiber optic backbone and FTTH construction.
ZENER is making steady progress in the execution of the project for WOM, which is of great relevance in Chile, since its completion will allow the inhabitants of 5 areas of the country (approximately 2.5 million people) to have access to telephony, data, Wi-Fi zones and other services that can be mounted on fiber optic networks.
ZENER has carried out the engineering work in more than 5,600 km of the Macrozones of Arica and Parinacota, North (Antofagasta and Copiapó), Center North (La Serena, Valparaíso and Metropolitan area), Center (Rancagua and Talca) and the construction of the Backbone Network with deployment of more than 700Km of Fiber, for the union of several localities of the Region of Arica and Parinacota with 11 sections of Fiber Optic laying.
The final result of this work is to generate the infrastructure so that the inhabitants can improve their digital connectivity throughout the country and improve their quality of life, through tools such as remote working, distance education and telemedicine among other future applications. At Zener we are proud of the work we do to build the infrastructure that improves the quality of life of millions of people.
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